Turning to a simpler life is not always easy. sometimes I feel like I need this or that and I get it. I'm working on addressing that. I have a rebel in me that any time changes are made I subconsciously say 'whoa, hang on there, you didn't clear this with me, I'm not doing that.' I have to keep that guy in check.
This summer I downsized a lot and I honestly, I'm not done I will continue on this effort. We are talking about moving in with my Mother, she needs help around the property and we don't want her to sell what our father built.
It's only talk for now but there are still a lot of changes we are trying to make in our lives. We want more of a family/community in our lives. With my depression for years I was pretty anti social so getting myself out and about again is a work in progress. I miss having people at our house, feeding them, talking to them, just having company. In fact we both do.
Now we move on and find our way again. Bringing in those that are here and love us and consider us friends. We open our home and our hearts to those.
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