Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A little solice today...

Little M is really sick but it's only a cough/cold with fever. Poor kids is pretty lethargic today. I canceled a walk and my respite today and took him in only to be told it's only a viral infection and to keep up the liquids and tylenol. At least I get a little rest today from not chasing the little guy around.

So my time is running out and I wanted to tell you about my weekend. I went to a Traditional Parenting Workshop. It was mainly Drum making but also connection with other parents and lot's of talking and stories. It was wonderful and I really enjoy learning some herbal medicines from the Elders, I'll be picking up some pitch from the next Spruce or Balsom tree I come across this spring for a remedy for SmartGuy's eczema.

So here is the drum I made. Drums are supposed to have healing powers. They've done studies of drumming effects on the body and it's supposed to help. All I know is that it puts the boys to sleep when I drum a thump-thump heartbeat sound.

I made this one for SnowBaby, thinking good and positive thoughts. I also made the drumstick. I'm thinking about painting something on it but I'm not sure what. I think a Crow which is our Clan or a salmon for Little Salmon ( where my Gramma was raised).
I hope this is a start for me learning more traditional medicines and culture as I sometimes don't practice the old ways as much as I'd like at times. This summer I hope to be out in Mother Nature more and teaching my children about the land and being respectful of it.

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