I have felt really lost for a long, long time. Since everything that happened in my life, the circumstances and bad choices the last 5 years or so. I really lost my spirituality. As it stands now I no longer believe in God. I haven't believed in religion in a long time.
In all the time I've been lost, I've been trying to grasp something. I've meditated and done tapping and I do yoga. I find peace in these activities. There is always been something missing.
I had heard of Dr. Wayne Dyer, in fact I have one of his books on my night stand that I got from my sister in law. I've seen him mention via social media on a lot of the self help type places but I never paid too much mind to him.
So he's passed away recently and a lot of the pages I follow on facebook were paying tribute to him. The Hay House posted they were sharing a movie for free so I watched it. I have never been more moved and have words so resonate with me that I had tears flowing down my cheeks. Everything he talked about I related to, things I have felt or wished to feel. How to life my life. How I want to live my life. I was deeply and profoundly moved by this film.
What is weird is that I had heard all these things before but now they had a context that I could relate to and grasp. The last 5 or 6 days I've felt so great, so grateful for my life and so happy! I've been sick but still feeling positive.
So needless to say I will be delving further into this and seeing where it takes me.
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