Monday, October 31, 2011

31 Days - Day 30 - Reevaluating

Well it`s been a month of writing about getting healthy. I`ve made some headway but not as much as I would have liked. I have let life get in the way of really concentrating on getting healthy. With all of this on my mind, I am ready to make more of the changes I`ve described in the last few weeks of writing about this.

I have been going to the gym and working exercise into my daily routine and I`m starting to work on the kitchen aspect more.

It is a good plan to reevaluate goals every few weeks or months to keep you on track. See what is working and what is not and tweak your plan to make it work for you.

Right now getting to the gym is difficult. So I plan on upping my workouts at home. Menu planning has been on the wayside as well so I have to get back to that.

Plan, plan, plan...

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